Last week before break was a very busy time. Teachers were preparing their classes for end of chapter assessments prior to break. This is a common occurrence so as to not have to carry any chapters/units over the Holiday Break.
In addition to my classes winding down Chapter 4, I asked them to complete a Teacher Report Card through Google Forms. Here are the questions I asked with my thoughts on each...
1. Does my teacher hold me accountable for my actions?
I was not sure how this question was going to be perceived when I wrote it because I was not sure if my students would assume this was geared towards their behavior. I believe I solved that problem by gearing their choices around being accountable for their work.
This is an area I was confident I would score high in. My classroom is structured towards working to understand concepts. I want my students to be okay with failure and be expected to work towards understanding concepts if they do not understand something. In addition, I push students' learning by introducing "the next step" even if this might be a grade level or two above them.
89 of my 90 Students agreed that they are accountable for work in my class.
2. Does my teacher do his/her best to make class interesting?
Again, I was unsure how things would pan out. I do feel I try to bring a lesson that is both interesting and relevant. I will admit, I do not spend a lot of time creating lessons that are heavy on technology. I believe students learn math by practicing as much as possible while in my room. I work hard at giving them chances to do just that.
85 out of my 90 Students agreed that I do my best to make class interesting.
3. Does my teacher help me when I am struggling?
This was the area I felt the strongest. I have worked hard over the last several years creating a culture of learning in my classroom. Because of that culture, I give up part of my lunch time to take students that are looking to complete retakes on a variety of standards. In addition, some students use that time to get some individual tutoring. I feel this change has had the greatest impact on the culture in our classroom. I am glad to see most of the students agreed.
88 out of my 90 Students agree I help them when struggling.
4. Does my teacher allow me to regularly participate in lessons?
This was the area I was expecting the worst "score". Between reviewing the previous day's lesson, reviewing homework, introducing the next lesson and assigning homework, I know there are days I do not give my students enough opportunity to participate. I am fully aware of this and have worked on altering my instruction to allow for more participation. I am focusing post break on a more student centered classroom. I am tired of being the hardest working person in the room.
The numbers supported my previous belief: 72 out of 90 said yes; 14 said sometimes; 4 said no.
5. Does my teacher treat me with respect?
I have a confession. I do not yell at my students. I am a firm believer that yelling at middle schoolers will only lead to one massive headache for the teacher. They tune out all yelling. As a result, I use jokes and/or laughter to make my point. I do think some may see it as sarcasm. I do not use this by any means to humiliate or embarrass my students. My experience tells me students are more likely to alter their behavior while smiling than angry.
I was rather surprised to see that 88 of the 90 students felt I was respectful. Glad to see they understand my "sarcasm."
6. Does my teacher enjoy teaching?
I love my job. I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I could not imagine working in any other profession. I am confident that my students see that everyday from me. I work hard to not allow my personal life to impact what goes on in our classroom.
88 out of the 90 agree.
7. Is my teacher a good role model for me?
This one is tricky with middle schoolers. I know I push my students. I know I make them uncomfortable at times because I want them to get better. I know that pushing them can create friction between us at times. I work hard at trying to model hard work and a love for learning with my students. I share books that I have read. I have shared my blog with them as well. I want them to see learning as something that never ends.
74 out of the 90 students believe I am a good role model.
8. One thing I really like about this class is...
Here are some quotes from my students:
The work!
One thing that I really like about this class is that Mr. Cordery is always trying to get a gooo laugh for his student and try the best for us to suceed.
I always am able to improve at areas I am/ was unsure about.
its fun and he makes it easier for all of us to understand in a quick and easy way
i like how he is helpful if we dont finish something, he lets us do corrections, and he is responsible with our work
The teacher is goofy and makes class fun. He dosen't suck the fun out of everything I want to learn about. It's easier to pay attention with him teaching us.
9. Do I feel successful in this class? If not, what could my teacher do to make me feel more successful?
Again, here are some quotes:
yes he tries his best to make us fell like great students
I am successful in this class mainly because my teacher makes sure we all understand each lesson.
kind of, i could go up for recess and get help from him
I am glad I took the time to do this report card. I believe as I spend the next couple of weeks reflecting on the results even more, I will learn some more insights on how to provide a better classroom experience to my students.
I just had some of my students complete something similar, and was just about to start writing my blog post about it when I stumbled across yours! I think it's an excellent way to get feedback on how you're going and how you can improve, from the people that matter most - our students.
I like that you had the courage to give your students an opportunity to reflect on your teaching and the work you do with them. Your questions are also well-thought and should serve as insightful feedback for your instructional practice. I may ask my teachers to take the risk to do the same. THANKS for sharing!
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